The White Mountains of New Hampshire- This is a photographic record and journal of my trips in the White Mountains with my wife Judy and our dog Emma. By clicking on "Tripyramids 10/12/97 " below you can begin a slideshow journey of our trips to the summits of all forty-eight four-thousand foot mountains in New Hampshire and beyond. Included is a journal of what trails we took, what kind of mistakes we made along the way, and some general information, but should not be construed as anything more than a record. There is great reference material available for trip planning in the White Mountain Guide. Each hike is listed in chronological order, scroll down for most recent hikes.You can also look up each summit by alphebetical list. Also below are lists of our hikes and climbs below four-thousand feet including many good snowshoeing hikes. In the White Mountain section you will also find hikes in the Belknap Range, the Ossipee Range, Hikes Near Home including many to Pawtuckaway, Maine Trips and various Camping and Paddling Trips as well. Along with these I have created a seperate place for our hiking trips to Mount Washington which includes the annual Seek the Peak hikes as well as others and salso includes my volunteer time at the Mount Washington Observatory. If you decide to make any of these hikes please obtain a copy of the Appalachian Mountain Club's "White Mountain Guide" and study the trail descriptions and memorizeand CARRY the maps. There is also a bundle of information on how to prepare and what to expect. Please be a responsible visitor to the White Mountains and learn and practice "Leave No Trace" methods of camping and hiking. "Take only pictures, leave only footprints."
4000 Footers Lion's Head/Boott Spur 7/26/03 Washington 9/14/03 Moriah 10/14/03 Cannon 2/29/04 Lincoln 3/14/04 Isolation 6/8/04 Twins 6/12/04 Starr King/Waumbek 6/26,27/04 GlenBoulder/BoottSpur 7/24/04 Adams 8/23/04 Hale 9/4,5/04 Cabot/The Bulge/ TheHorn 10/7/04 Tom/ Field/Willey 10/13/04 Passaconaway/Whiteface 11/11/04 Mount Tom 1/5/05 Mount Liberty 1/15/05 Jackson /Webster 2/6/05 Washington Volunteer 4/13-20/05 Washington 6/2/05 Washington Volunteer 9/15-20/05 Alpine Garden/Auto Road 10/5/05 Washington Volunteer 11/22-29/06 North/Middle/South Carter 5/29/07 Volunteer Cookout/Auto Road 8-5-07 Washington Volunteer 11/21-28/07 Passaconaway/Whiteface 1/26/08 Glen Boulder/Boott Spur 6/14/08 Eisenhower/Franklin/Monroe 6/17/09 Lion Head/Alpine Garden 6/27/09 Washington Volunteer 3/23-3/30/11 Washington Volunteer 1/19-25/12 |
4000 Footers Adams 8/23/04 Alpine Garden/Auto Road 10/5/05 Avalon/Tom/Field/Willey 9/22/12 Cabot/The Bulge/ TheHorn 10/7/04 Cannon 2/29/04 Field 10/13/04 Glen Boulder/Boott Spur 7/24/04 Glen Boulder/Boott Spur 6/14/08 Hale 9/4,5/04 Isolation 6/8/04 Jackson /Webster 2/6/05 Liberty 1/15/05 Lincoln 3/14/04 Lion Head/Alpine Garden 6/27/09 Moriah 10/14/03 North/Middle/South Carter 5/29/07 Passaconaway11/11/04 Passaconaway/Whiteface 1/26/08 Tom 10/13/04 Tom 1/5/05 Twins 6/12/04 Volunteer Cookout/Auto Road 8-5-07 Washington 9/14/03 Washington Volunteer 4/13-20/05 Washington 6/2/05 Washington Volunteer 9/15-20/05 Washington Volunteer 11/22-29/06 Washington Volunteer 11/21-28/07 Washington Volunteer 3/23-3/30/11 Waumbek 6/26,27/04 Whiteface 11/11/04 Willey 10/13/04 |
Hikes Under 4000' Saint Sauveur/Acadia (ME) 6/9/00 Morgan/Percival/Rattlesnake 5/11/03 Major 9/7/03 Carlo/Gooseeye 9/22/03 Martha/Owl's Head 9/26/03 Welch/Dickey 10/13/03 Waterfalls 10/15/03 Square Ledge 10/16/03 Gunstock 10/19/03 Bridal Veil Falls 11/11/03 Sunapee 11/19/03 Pawtuckaway 12/7,14,21/03 Major 12/25/03 Chocorua 12/29/03 Cardigan Lodge 1/1/04 Noon Peak 1/18/04 South Moat 1/31/04 Snows 2/8/04 Rangeley 2/14-16/04 Welch/Dickey 2/20/04 Rattlesnake 4/16/04 Basin/Bald 4/25/04 Pawtuckaway 5/2/04 Agementicus 5/8/04 Sandwich 5/14,15/04 Cardigan 7/4/04 Straightback/Anna 7/11/04 Sugarloafs 8/8/04 Pinkham Notch 8/15/04 Pine 8/22/04 Waterfalls 8/24/04 Wendell SP (MA) 8/25/04 Middle Sugarloaf 8/26/04 Pinkham Notch 8/15/04 Waterfalls 8/24/04 Wendell SP (MA) 8/25/04 Middle Sugarloaf 8/26/04 Bear Brook (SP) 9/6/ Castle in the Clouds 9/12/04 Pine Mountain 10/6/04 Bulge/Horn 10/7/05 Eyebrow 10/8/04 2nd Bemis Mountain 10/9/04 Pemi 10/14/04 Greeley Ponds 12/12/04 Wachapauka Pond 12/26/04 Indian Ridge 1/9/05 Castle in the Clouds 1/17/05 Pawtuckaway 1/30/05 Rangeley 2/19,20,21/05 Gunstock 2/26/05 Mount Cardigan 3/6/05 Blueberry Mountain 3/27/05 Pawtuckaway 5/30/05 Castle in the Clouds 5/31/05 Pine Mountain 6/1/05 Pine Mountain/Mountain Pond 6/3/05 Halls Ledge 6/4/05 Howker Ridge/ Ripley Falls 11/5/05 Blueberry Mountain (EN) 6/6/06 Black Snout/ Mount Shaw 5/10/08 Blueberry Mountain (EN) 5/29/08 Black Snout/ Mount Shaw 11/16/08 Black Snout/ Mount Shaw 3/10/09 North/South Baldface 5/25-26/09 Gunstock/Belknap/Piper 10/4/09 Piper/Belknap/Round Pond 10/25/09 Bald Knob/Mount KInsman Trail 1/7/10 Firescrew/Cardigan/South Peak 4/24/10 Black Cap/Unknown Pond 11/11-13/11 Parkman/Gilmore/Seargent (ME) 6-20-14 Black Mountain/ Benton 7/28/12 Dixville Notch/Table Rock 9-4-12 Avalon/Tom/Field/Willey 9/22/12 Black Snout/Mount Shaw 9/25/12 Gunstock-Belknap-Piper 10/11/12 Waternomee B-18 Crash Site 11/13/12 Roberts and Faraway Mountain 11/24/12 Major /Straightback Mountain 12/9/12 Kearsarge North (Pequawket) 12-15-12 Pemigewasset/Flume Gorge 1-19-13 |
Hikes Under 4000' Agementicus 5/8/04 Avalon/Tom/Field/Willey 9/22/12 Bald Mountain 8/13/05 Bald Knob/Mount KInsman Trail 1/7/10 Bear Brook (SP) 9/6/04 2nd Bemis Mountain 10/9/04 Black Cap/Unknown Pond 11/11-13/11 Black Mountain/ Benton 7/28/12 Black Snout/ Mount Shaw 5/10/08 Black Snout/ Mount Shaw 11/16/08 Black Snout/ Mount Shaw 3/10/09 Black Snout/Mount Shaw 9/25/12 Blueberry Mountain 3/27/05 Blueberry Mountain (EN) 6/6/06 Blueberry Mountain (EN) 5/29/08 Bridal Veil Falls 11/11/03 Bulge 10/7/05 Cardigan Lodge 1/1/04 Cardigan 7/4/04 Cardigan 3/6/05 Carlo 9/22/03 Castle in the Clouds 9/12/04 Castle in the Clouds 1/17/05 Castle in the Clouds 5/31/05 Chocorua 12/29/03 Dixville Notch/Table Rock 9-4-12 Eyebrow 10/8/04 Firescrew/Cardigan/South Peak 4/24/10 Gooseeye 9/22/03 Greeley Ponds 12/12/04 Gunstock 10/19/03 Gunstock 2/26/05 Gunstock/Belknap/Piper 10/4/09 Gunstock-Belknap-Piper 10/11/12 Halls Ledge 6/4/05 Horn 10/7/05 Howker Ridge/ Ripley Falls 11/5/05 Indian Ridge 1/9/05 Kearsarge North (Pequawket) 12-15-12 Major 9/7/03 Major 12/25/03 Major /Straightback Mountain 12/9/12 Martha/Owl's Head 9/26/03 Middle Sugarloaf 8/26/04 Morgan/Percival/Rattlesnake 5/11/03 Noon Peak 1/18/04 North/South Baldface 5/25-26/09 Parkman/Gilmore/Seargent (ME) 6-20-14 Pawtuckaway 12/7,14,21/03 Pawtuckaway 5/2/04 Pawtuckaway 1/30/05 Pawtuckaway 5/30/05 Pemigewasset 10/14/04 Pemigewasset/Flume Gorge 1-19-13 Pine Mountain 8/22/04 Pine Mountain 10/6/04 Pine Mountain 6/1/05 Pine Mountain/Mountain Pond 6/3/05 Pinkham Notch 8/15/04 Piper/Belknap/Round Pond 10/25/09 Rattlesnake 4/16/04 Roberts and Faraway Mountain 11/24/12 Sandwich 5/14,15/04 Snows 2/8/04 South Moat 1/31/04 Square Ledge 10/16/03 Starr King 6/26,27/04 Straightback/Anna 7/11/04 Sugarloafs 8/8/04 Sunapee 11/19/03 Wachapauka Pond 12/26/04 Waterfalls 10/15/03 Waterfalls 8/24/04 Waternomee B-18 Crash Site 11/13/12 Welch/Dickey 12/1/02 Welch/Dickey 10/13/03 Welch/Dickey 2/20/04 Wendell SP (MA) 8/25/04 |